FOLKS is a project which aims to explore, preserve and adapt the folk tales found in the hills, rivers and crags of the Peak District National Park.
We find ourselves in the midst of yet another folk revival here in Britain and it’s hardly surprising - now more than ever are we facing environmental, political and mental health uncertainties and these old stories and traditions are rising from the furrows and hedgerows of this strange land. To scare, warn and heal.
Why are folk narratives important in this age of technology and social media? Well perhaps there lies the answer - some things aren’t quite working so well. Perhaps there is a collective need to slow down, return to the land, respect our ancestors and look towards creating a better, more sustainable world.
There are many lessons in the old stories. Lessons and climates we’re probably not too distant from now. Folk tales have been told to scare and warn, to entertain and celebrate. They morph and grow. Many die. But it’s their survival that makes them so special - and FOLKS aims to keep the stories of the Peak District going for yet another generation to come and create new ones.
Book One and Book Two are available to buy in the shop and their stories are waiting to be retold. They’re waiting to come alive in your hands.